Monthly Chapter Meeting- Wildlife Every Day with Brian Kurzel
Our March speaker, Brian Kurzel, is National Wildlife Federation’s Executive Director of the Rocky Mountain Region. Brian oversees NWF’s work on protecting public lands, sustaining fish and wildlife populations, promoting responsible energy development, connecting people to nature and partnering with tribal governments on education and conservation.
Brian joined NWF in 2015 after about 10 years with Colorado Parks and Wildlife, where he most recently served as a senior manager focused on policy and planning initiatives. He has also served as Colorado’s natural areas program manager, overseeing a statewide, science-driven natural resource conservation effort focused on species and habitat protection. Brian earned a master’s degree in science from CU-Boulder with a concentration in forest ecology & biogeography.
RSVP for Dinner
After the presentation, supper and wine will be served (Suggested donation of $8 for dinner and $3 for wine). This month, pizza, salad and dessert will be served. To make sure we have enough food and drink, please RSVP to this Meetup OR by email/phone to Barb Bailey (, 303-979-0508). For our monthly meetings, the RSVP count is for dinner only.