When: Saturday, December 15, 2018, 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Where: Jefferson Unitarian Church, 14350 W 32nd Ave · Golden
JHeathen Humor. As a follow-up to the JH book group session on Humanist/Atheist comedy, we’ll show some comedy video shorts and do live comedy routines. WARNING: We will take no prisoners and celebrate the absurdity of religion.
Here is a link to one of Tom’s websites that has a lot of heathen comedy: https://www.churchofthenones.com/
We’ll do the first 2 parts of a comedy soap opera skit called “No God Left Behind” written by Tom and members of Church of the Nones. 5 volunteers from the audience will each get a part to read. The characters are Zeus, Thor, Jesus, Science, and Mega Death. Tom will play the narrator.
The story takes place in a bar up in the clouds, reminiscent of Cheers, where has-been gods are commiserating together after being replaced by newer gods. Zeus is replaced by Thor, who is replaced by Jesus, who is replaced by Science. When Science walks in the bar, the gods can’t believe it and ask, “Science, who replaced you?” After Science reveals who replaced her, they all become friends, and you know this can’t be good at all.
Also, everyone is welcome to bring and read some favorite secular comedy.
NOTE: The GMO/Organic Food Debte has been moved to next year, and may actually become a Monthly Chapter Meeting program instead.
The Jefferson Humanists Chapter of the American Humanist Association is very pleased to offer a regular explorations series on 3rd Saturdays, 10-12 AM, at Jefferson Unitarian Church (JUC). Each session will be slightly different and include several segments to showcase aspects of Humanism through a presentation, videos, movies, forums and explorations, followed by discussions. We will include time for participants to socialize and get acquainted, in keeping with our chapter goal of building community.
Breakfast pastries and beverages will be served.