The Humanists Helping Humanity (HHH) social action arm of Jefferson Humanists had a great time collecting materials for the International Rescue Committee (IRC) Denver during our IRC Drive on November 13, 2021. Around 5 HHH members set up in the Jefferson Unitarian Church parking lot for three hours on a Saturday morning to receive donation of household goods that the IRC will use to help refugees set up households in the Denver area. The Golden Relief group came and sorted all the items we received and boxed and labeled them for delivery to IRC Denver, making our job much easier. We collected 30 boxes and 15 bags of items, so it was time well spent.
If you would like to help IRC Denver, go to their website at to learn more.
Are you interested in helping with these Jefferson Humanists social action activities or have ideas for other things we should be doing? The Humanists Helping Humanity group holds monthly planning meetings on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7pm. See the JH Meetup site for details on joining HHH planning meetings: