When: Saturday, March 16, 2019, 10:00 AM to 12:00 AM
Where: Jefferson Unitarian Church
This month we will do two separate segments. March is Women’s History Month, and guest speaker Jerry Gilbert will give a presentation on it. After the break, Tom will lead an audience participation discussion called Journey to Humanism.
You’ve come a long way, baby, but unfortunately, still have a ways to go. Tom’s take on women’s rights issues has always been, “why is there even an issue in the first place.” Women are the equal of men and it is time for a female President. Jerry Gilbert, co-host of Humanism at the Hub will give a talk on the women who have made a difference through history and still at it today. Discussions will be encouraged.
Journey to Humanism is a segment we do periodically. Several people from the audience get a chance to tell their story of where they started from, typically a religious background and how they came to realize that they were going in the wrong direction, and the hard lonely push-back by family and friends along the way until they discovered the secular world. These stories are usually quite fascinating. Stories of people who grew up secular are also interesting. Each story will be discussed.
The Jefferson Humanists Chapter of the American Humanist Association is very pleased to offer a regular explorations series on 3rd Saturdays, 10-12 AM, at Jefferson Unitarian Church (JUC). Each session will be slightly different and include several segments to showcase aspects of Humanism through a presentation, videos, movies, forums and explorations, followed by discussions. We will include time for participants to socialize and get acquainted, in keeping with our chapter goal of building community.
Breakfast pastries and beverages will be served.