When & Where: February 5, 6:00 pm Dinner ANNIE’S CAFE & BAR located at 3100 E Colfax Ave. Please email RSVP@jeffersonhumanists.org if you plan to attend dinner,
8:00pm at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science – 2001 Colorado Blvd, Denver, CO 80205 [DON’T FORGET TO PURCHASE YOUR TICKETS AHEAD OF TIME]
As part of our Darwin Day festivities, we invite you to join us for “Meet Charles Darwin” at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. Event starts at 8 pm. Purchase your tickets online at http://www.dmns.org/learn/adults/after-hours/meet-charles-darwin-8-pm/ and meet the group either at dinner at 6pm (details below) or at 7:45 pm in the Museum lobby. Your host, Matthew Elisha, will be wearing a Jefferson Humanists hat.
Description: Commemorate Darwin’s birthday by spending an evening with the affable Charles Darwin. Enactor Brian “Fox” Ellis is back by popular demand to bring Darwin to life. Hear humorous tales of Darwin’s training as a naturalist, his insights into South American geology, his discovery of strange creatures on the Galápagos archipelago, and most important, the scientific evidence that led to his revolutionary theory. Equal parts dramatic storytelling, stand-up comedy, and show-and-tell, Ellis immerses you in the intellectual world of one of history’s greatest scientific minds.
Since we are attending the late program, we invite everyone coming to get DINNER beforehand at 6pm at ANNIE’S CAFE & BAR located at 3100 E Colfax Ave. Please email RSVP@jeffersonhumanists.org if you plan to attend dinner, so we can reserve enough seats. Questions? Contact Matthew Elisha (mrelisha@msn.com, 303-432-8694)